Protected Places


Relevant Publications and Presentations

Julian JP. 2019. Old forts and new amenities in the Southern Plains. In Lookingbill T, Smallwood P (Eds.), Collateral Values: The Natural Capital Created by Landscapes of War, Cham, Springer, pp. 77-109 (Chapter 4).

Moss G, Julian JP. 2016. Connecting Protected Places in Texas using Riparian Conservation Networks. Southwest Division of the American Association of Geographers (SWAAG), Denton, TX.

Daly G, Julian JP. 2016. Social Demand of a Blue Space: Use, Value, and Perceptions of the San Marcos River, Texas. Southwest Division of the American Association of Geographers (SWAAG), Denton, TX.

Daly G, Julian JP, Weaver R. 2016. A River Runs Through It: How Texas State University students use and value their San Marcos River. American Association of Geographers, San Francisco, CA.

Newcomer KB, Julian JP, Meitzen K. 2015. Historical riparian habitat changes of an endangered bird species: Interior Least Terns along the Red River below Denison Dam. Southwest Division of the Association of American Geographers, San Antonio, TX.

Daly G, Julian JP. 2015. A River Runs Through It: How Texas State University students use and value their San Marcos River. Southwest Division of the Association of American Geographers, San Antonio, TX.

Julian JP, Daly G, Dascher DD, Espinoza JY, Flores-Ortiz HW, Newcomer KB. 2014. Water Resources and Protected Areas in the South-Central United States. Southwestern Association of American Geographers, Albuquerque, NM.

Professor in Department of Geography & Environmental Studies, Texas State University